Friday, June 13, 2008

Lost Soul: Detroit Soul

The fifth in a series of soul classics that have fallen through the floorboards

All Of My Life mixes the swing of club soul and the pounding rhythm of Northern soul with teenage romantic despair and longing for one almightily essential track. It’s been issued on a few compilations, so for those of you who already have it, here’s the b-side, Mister Hip, as well, which has never been given the reissue treatment.

An inventive instrumental with – naturally – much applause, I wonder if this song got the acid jazz or rare groove crowds excited twenty years ago. It should’ve done. My five pounds says that Ally turned a shoe to this in Soho back in the day and that the walls of Landcroft House will be throbbing to the sound of Mister Hip this weekend (goatees optional).

Detroit Soul’s bassist, Bart Mazzarella, said elsewhere on the internet:
We had a regional hit record, produced by Ken Griffin on Music Town records, called "All Of My Life" in the summer of 1967. We recorded it at Wallingford's Syncron (sp) Studio. The "Detroit Soul" was a staple at the Good Guys All Family Outings at Riverside Park and won all the Battle Of The Bands, including one over Al Anderson's Wild Weeds (No Good To Cry). By the way, I also played in a band that appeared "Live" at one of Ron Landry's record hop gigs. We were called "The High Tones" and I was a guitar player in junior high school.


Simon said...

I've got All Of My Life; this is great though. You might want to know that the file when loaded into my iTunes comes up as Mae West's I Want You, I Need You....It's definitely not that when you play it!!!

Fire Escape said...

A lot of songs that I've uploaded recently have been attributed to Mae West by itunes. I don't know why this is. I'll get the technical expert on it when she wakes up.

ally. said...

this has been on a desperately worn out on it's last legs tape for ever so thank you thank you for this. i've always thought it sounds very british somehow - like someone singing in a phoney accent. and hell i wish i had been dancing to this but i think it might be a bit more more lost than it should be.
and ta for the walter jackson nudge too - i've dug out some stuff by him i'd forgotten about and it's mighty fine

Fire Escape said...

Detroit Soul were from Connecticut, not Detroit. You can still hear New England accents that sound very English; perhaps in 1967 this was a more common accent.

An American would be better placed than me to tell you if the accent was phoney, or even if it's a case of a blue-eyed soul singer trying to be more "authentic". Whatever it is, every part of this record sounds great to me.

I guess the name Detroit Soul was a tribute (it certainly wasn't a cash-in!) to that city's fine, fine soul music.

Anonymous said...

Most of the members of Detroit Soul were from New Britain, CT. I am friends with several of the members of this group. As a matter of fact the sax player "Joe V" plays in my group "TL & The All-Stars" from time to time. Those were wo great tunes. However, my favorite Detroit Soul tune is "Does Your Mind Go Wild". I believe this tunes was written by Bill Durso of Hartford, CT.
Thanks, TL

Fire Escape said...

Thanks for the information. I've never heard Does Your Mind Go Wild, so I'll look out for a copy.

Anonymous said...

If anyone is looking for either of DETROIT SOUL's 45's please contact me. I have the originals!

extremevents said...

This record was recorded on Irv Jeffries record label - he was a staple in west hartford center for over 20 years - his music store had everything!

Anonymous said...

The information is incorrect on this record.
It was produced at Syncron Studios in Wallingford by Ed Read, look at the label.Produced By!
Ed was a DJ at wavz in New Haven,
and a partner with Doc Cavalier
and Bill Lobb, It was cut on 2-2 tack machines.
Ron Munn was the band's manager from Milldale, Ct.Dot Records also signed the group for another single, but it was not a hit.

Ed also managed Tommy and the Riverias from New Haven and produced a single on them also,As well as an album on a group U.S.69
with Doc.The lead singer was Billy
Durso from Hartford on this album.

Anonymous said...

My Father help write this song and was the lead singer on it. It is amazing to know that people still listen to this song and value the worth of it to this day. I do not know if anyone frequents this page anymore, but I wanted to say thank you for appreciating this song. Its an honor.

Fire Escape said...

Thanks for your comment! Did your dad write any other songs? I'd love to hear them.