Have sexual politics left you all of a muddle? Fret not, because today we’re going back to simpler times when a girl’s place was to make a boy happy.
Yes, the 1960s. Theresa Lindsey can start things with this cracking Philly dancer, Gotta Find A Way. They really don’t come much better than this.
The proof that The Chiffons were not just another girl group comes in many forms. There are two of them right here. Firstly, their overlooked (non-hit) single, Keep The Boy Happy is at least as strong as any of the greats they’re remembered for.
Secondly, When The Boy’s Happy (The Girl’s Happy Too) by Four Pennies (not to be confused with The Four Pennies, a male English group) which was The Chiffons by another name. They recorded two singles, of which this Greenwich/Barry peach was the second.
If any of you are having relationship troubles, perhaps playing these songs will help. Perhaps they will restore what you feel is the natural order. Maybe you will get up and dance your cares away. Or – it could happen – your loved one will drop an anvil on your head for being such a sexist pig (just don’t blame me).
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