Thursday, May 28, 2009

Felt: Bottoming Out

Felt opened their last ever gig with Declaration, which starts
I will be the first person in history
To die of boredom
And I will have as my epitaph
The second line of 'Black Ship In The Harbour'

That epitaph is “I was second class”, which has always struck me as a resigned reflection on Felt’s commercial popularity rather than a comment on the quality of their records. Later in the gig, Lawrence changes the second line of All The People I Like Are Those That Are Dead to “Maybe I should entertain/The very fact that I’m just plain”.

After Declaration, Felt played a cover of Lou Reed's Bottoming Out, which remains unreleased.

I’ve uploaded Declaration and Bottoming Out from the Burberries gig.


mk is Watoo said...

Uhoh, do you mean that you have the whole recording of the show?

Thanks for the informations & for the 2 songs that you have uploaded, btw!


mk is Watoo said...

Ooops... The mp3s have been removed :(

Fire Escape said...

All of the show apart from the encore. Ah, yes, I deleted all uploads last week. Hmm. Drop me an email and I'll send you the file.